If you’re not smiling right now I’m confident when I say there’s something wrong with you. Look at this pug. Does is get any better? It does because now we get to meet the man behind the bowl. Say hello to Frankie. He’s from Tennessee and clearly he’s enjoying himself.
— He looks like a Frankie. Free-lovin’ Frankie from down South in Tennessee, lovely.
Clarksville, Tennessee.
— And now your daily dose of rock and roll history… A quote from Jimi Hendrix when asked how he learned how to play guitar with this teeth, ”The idea of doing that came to me in a town in Tennessee. Down there you have to play with your teeth or else you get shot. There’s a trail of broken teeth all over the stage.” He was referring to Clarksville where he jammed out for a few years after he left the army. Awesome.
“Frankie is a very spoiled but very loved dog. He is one of three dogs we have. He is a needy dog and pretty much stays close to his mommy. He loves to sleep on his back. I could go on and on about this amazing pug. He is my baby.”
— We need to talk about the milkstache; so amazing. This may just be me but I had no idea that dogs enjoyed milk. I’ve never thought about it or tried it so why would I? But after seeing Frankie and knowing that there is a pug that loves cereal, I’m must. Marlo let’s do it. But seriously, the human foods we offer up as treats to our babies are pretty silly. From peanut butter to carrots to bacon, our pugs eat better than us sometimes! I want to know Frankie’s Dad’s thought process as he let Frankie finish off his leftover milk and Kellogg’s for the first time. Maybe Frankie asked for it politely and it would have been rude not to let him try it. Either way, I think it’s flippin’ pugtastic. Also I hate wasting food so I’m pumped thinking even the soggy Crispix and few sips of not-so-cold milk won’t go to waste.
To Frankie’s Family, obviously this dog is very spoiled AND very loved! Is there a difference? We love our babies so much; their wish is our command. And at the end of the day, letting them finish off our leftovers every now and then is a small price to pay to have precious puglove in our lives.