Try and tell me you’re not making gushy sounds of awe. You can’t, because any human with a soul knows this is one beautiful baby. This picture brings me back. But before we go back let’s go forward, meet Chulo and he’s down south in Georgia.
— Definition: a very precious pug.
Dallas, Georgia.
— Peaches and pugs help keep life sweet!
”He loves to eat, play, and sleep. (In that order) he is a loving, kind, smart dog and he loves to be cuddled.”
– Holy Cannoli… instantly I’m reminded of how I went from dog-x to a pug. Puppy Chulo is like a pugdrug and I’m dangerously addicted. To be honest, I had always wanted a bulldog. Just seemed like my kind of breed. And I had only met a couple pugs prior to meeting my little miracle Marlo. But from the moment I saw him, his face, that pug puppy puss, I was but a helpless moth to his beaming rays of puglove. I held him in my arms, a piece of my heart ignited, and I knew he was the one for me. There’s something about a baby pug that makes us humans go crazy. I would be lying if I said the level of cuteness had nothing to do with me becoming the proud pug owner I am today. It had everything to do with it.
To Chulo’s Family, thank you for reminding me of that most special moment in time. We were all blessed the day we met our pugs; we are the lucky ones. Pugs and kisses always.