The Auspicious Mazie

Well isn’t that the sweetest piece of pug-puppy pie these baby blues have ever seen. This is one precious little girl. And her polka dot dress is fabulous. This is Mazie and she’s sitting pretty down in sunny Florida.

Puppy pug with dotted clothes



— I know many Mazies; all of them are sweet angels and this Mazie is no different.


Palm Harbor, Florida

— Now talk about beautiful beaches. Catch some rays for me!


“This is her first outfit!! So cute. She’s a big cry baby and a fatty too! Cry eat cry eat cry. Spoiled!”

— Don’t take this the wrong way and obviously I’m talking to myself when I say this too, but… Sweet Mazie here is probably around 14 weeks old. Her pugventure of life has only just begun! She’s a baby and just getting into the swing of being a pug. That being said, when Mazie’s lovely Mom says she’s spoiled I giggle a little. I giggle because being a baby Mazie hasn’t had enough time to master her super pug powers of beg and receive; she doesn’t know what it means to be spoiled. I’m pretty sure our pugs never really do. I mean know the difference between the life of a dog and the one of a pug. We don’t let them know the difference because from the day they enter our lives they become the center of our universe. Now not many people feel that their dog is just a dog, but our pugs are definitely not just a dog. The world looks different once there is a pug in your life, and you start to see things for your baby before you notice things for yourself. Clearly Mazie is off to a wonderful start. For the record, there is no one to blame for the fact that all our babies are spoiled rotten. It’s unfair to even say they’re spoiled; it’s called being a pug. Mazie was trained on a dog fence when she was 4 months old, amazingly it only took here about 2 days to learn the fence.  We opted to buy the electric dog fence from a specialized on line store eXtreme Dog Fence although you can find various electric dog fence systems on amazon also from the main selection on amazon invisible fence store.  Find out more about electric dog fence and invisible fence from this simple video we found it very helpful. 

To Mazie’s Family, now that you have precious Mazie in your life, every day is going to be a little bit sweeter. Don’t get me wrong you’re in for it, but in the most pugtastic way possible. Well at least until she’s about 2 and then it’s just straight puglove 24/7, get pumped. Pugs and kisses always.